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Requirements: You are a family nurse practitioner working in an outpatient primary care office of a large hospital system. The practice has been operating for over 15 years, and many of the administrative and clinical staff were hired when the practice opened. You have been in the practice for less than 3 months. In that…
Consider the case scenario you described in week six and assume the change process is proceeding in an effective manner. Address the following: Provide a concise introduction for your posting. Identify the key stakeholders who are impacted by the change at each of the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels, and discuss how you will engage those…
Requirements: This assignment focuses on the importance of nursing theory within the profession. Selecting one nursing theorist and the nursing theory they developed(non-nursing theories are not allowed), the student will present a brief summary of the selected nursing theory, identify the concepts of the nursing paradigm as addressed in the selected nursing theory, as well…
I. Requirements Description of the Assignment The assignment provides an opportunity for the student to: Develop and leadership profile based on leadership style and personality profile Apply their leadership profile to advanced communication situations Develop strategies that will improve and/enhance advanced communication skills Engage in reflective practice through writing II. Preparing the Assignment Preparing the…
Preparing the Assignment Which of the culture and caring theories most resonates with you for your practice as an NP? How does the theory integrate the nursing paradigm? What parts of the theory do you identify with? How does the theory help to meet CLAS standards to advance health equity? You can also check out…
Week 3: This week we are comparing and contrasting epidemiological methods of research; case-control and cohort study methods. Select either the case-control or cohort study method and compare its features, the methodology, to a randomized controlled trial using the following questions. Please format, organize, your responses using each question below: What is the fundamental difference…
Requirements: Discuss your state NP community in terms of scope of practice. Include the your state’s scope of practice for NPs including: Level of independence of practice Prescribing authority Any limitations of practice Process for obtaining licensure in your state Certification and education requirements for licensure. If you live in a restricted or reduced practice state, how…
Part II: Written Summary Criteria for Content Consider the insights gained through class readings, self-assessment of leadership capacity, reflections on individual competencies, and the issue related to your specialty track for which you will advocate for change. Complete parts I and II of the assignment using the guidelines and rubric below. Part II: Written Summary…
This class presents various types of nursing theories and how the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm distinguish nursing theory from other theories we may use. Please share a nursing theory that you have found to be helpful to you in practice. Why is this nursing theory meaningful to you? Feel free to share an example…
I. Requirements Description of the Assignment This assignment provides an opportunity for the student to Assess organizational culture and climate within a healthcare organization known to the student Analyze the organizational culture and climate for its strengths and opportunities for improvement Determine the organization’s capacity to provide a healthy, safe, person-centered environment for staff and patients…