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(Solution) NR501 Week 2: My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric

Requirements: This assignment focuses on the student’s personal perspective of nursing and nursing theory within the profession. This Word document should include your personal philosophy of nursing. If you have not developed a philosophy of nursing, then consider these questions to help you. What is nursing to me? Why is nursing important to me? What…

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(Solution) NR500NP Week 4: APN Professional Development Plan Paper

Requirements:  The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.  Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are…

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(Solved) NR534 Week 5: Organizational Culture and Climate on Group Process and Team Building – Servant Leaders

Individual: You are the unit director of the emergency department and part of an ad hoc interdisciplinary committee newly formed to address a 30% rise in arrival-to- provider time over the past six months. Six months ago, the ED consistently recorded an arrival-to-provider time less than the national benchmark of twenty minutes. The arrival-to-provider time…

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(Solved) NR534 Week 6: Evidence-based Decision-making and Models for Planned Change – Servant Leaders

You are the CNO of your current healthcare organization and have been told that the current organizational structure of the nursing department is “top heavy,” resulting in financial loss for the institution in the last fiscal year. You’ve been instructed to restructure the department to flatten the line to reduce expenses. You must decide how…

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(Solution) MATH225 Week 3 Assignment Measures of Central Tendency

Question Given the following list of minutes randomly selected customers waited in line to buy tickets for a play, find the median. 17,11,34,22,4,9,12,31,21,15 Ans:16 Question Given the following list of data, find the median. 1,3,1,23,2,4,22,13,26,8 Ans:6 You can as well check (Solution) MATH225 Week 3 Assignment Understanding Measures of Central Tendency Question Find the median…

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(Solution) NR509 Week 6: Alternative Writing Assignment for Week 5

Requirements:  NOTE: Complete the NR 509 Alternative Writing Assignment ONLY if you did not attend or do not plan to attend Debriefing for the given week.  This paper will be appraised on the quality of the information, inclusion of at least one evidence-based scholarly source, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, and organization based on the required components (see the paper headings and content details…

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(Solution) NR509 Week 6: Shadow Health Assessment Assignment

Requirements NOTE: Before initiating any activity in Shadow Health, complete the required course weekly readings and lessons as well as review the introduction and pre-brief. Complete the Shadow Health Concept Lab (Weeks 2, 4, and 5) prior to beginning the graded assignment.  Gather subjective and objective data by completing a focused, detailed health history and physical examination for each physical assessment assignment. Critically appraise the findings as normal or abnormal.   Complete the post…