Nursing assignment help online

Revisit the practice-related issue of interest that you identified in the week one discussion posting, and respond to the following:

  • Describe the practice-related issue and its impact on the nursing profession and/or healthcare delivery.
  • How does this issue influence healthcare safety, quality, and/or health outcomes?
  • What nursing intervention would you recommend to improve the issue?
  • As you conduct a review of literature to better understand the issue and your proposed intervention, what search terms might be most helpful?

Based upon your responses to the above, develop a PICOT statement that conveys the following elements.

  • P-Population and Problem – What is the nursing practice issue or problem and who does it affect?
  • I-Intervention – What evidence-based solution for the problem would you like to apply?
  • C-Comparison – what is another solution for the problem? (Note that this is typically the current practice, no intervention at all, or alternative solutions.)
  • O-Outcome – Very specifically, how will you know that the intervention worked? What will be the indicator of success, and how will that outcome be measured?
  • T-Timeframe – Target date for outcome achievement.

Use a sentence format to construct your PICOT statement. Here is an example from the educational field (remember, your PICOT will address a nursing practice issue or problem):

Do kindergarteners experiencing learning disabilities who are given a stress ball to squeeze experience improved academic performance in class when compared to those who don’t have a stress ball during the spring semester?

Population – kindergartners

Problem – learning disabilities impacting stress and academic performance

I – stress ball

C – no stress ball

O – improved academic performance

T – spring semester


In week one, the area of interest addressed was antibiotic irrigation during surgery to prevent or reduce surgical site infections. Recently, the FDA has asked for the removal of injectable bacitracin as it is not being used for the intended use of treating pneumonia in infants (University of Chicago, 2021). This formulation of bacitracin has been used in the operating room for antibiotic irrigation for surgery. With the removal of this drug, the surgeons need to either forego an antibiotic irrigation or find another suitable antibiotic for irrigation to help reduce surgical site infection.

Without an antibiotic irrigation, the health outcomes of patients may be affected. It has been demonstrated that using antibiotics to irrigate with a pressurized pulse lavage device reduces bacterial bioburden in abdominal wall reconstructive surgery (Majumder et al., 2017). When a patient develops a surgical site infection, this can lead to an increase in medical costs and a poor outcome for the patient….Kindly click the purchase icon to access the full solution at $5

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