Respond to the following prompts:
- How has learning about the history of research ethics impacted your view of biomedical research?
- In looking at the studies you reviewed for your PICOT question, do you feel that today’s researchers adequately protect the rights of human subjects? If not, what additional measures do you recommend?
You should also check out (Solution) NR505NP Week 7: Recommendation for an Evidence-Based Practice Change PowerPoint Presentation
My view of biomedical research was significantly impacted by the completion of the modules on human research. I was surprised to learn that this field has a high degree of scientific misconduct contributing to the violation of human rights, extending beyond the horrors of the Nazis and other well known cases. I was interested to learn that scientific misconduct does not just involve causing harm to a study’s subjects, but also includes the falsification of results, misinformation surrounding the dissemination of findings, and deceiving the study’s participants (Grey et al., 2017). Most significantly, I will look at future research with a more critical eye and include in my appraisal of the evidence an assessment of the ethical nature of the study….Kindly click the purchase icon to purchase the full solution at $5