Nursing assignment help online


  1. Start by watching the following video: Pediatric Clinical Pearl
  1. As you view the video, observe the parent-child and the parent-provider interactions. Pay particular attention to the parent’s responses to the provider’s questions making note of inappropriate and appropriate responses.
  2. Choose five (5) topics from the following categories to complete the assignment:
    • Cognitive Developmental Milestones
    • Physical Developmental Milestones
    • Social-Emotional Developmental Milestones
    • Safety
    • Alcohol/Substance Use
    • Environmental Health Risks
    • Temper Tantrums and Discipline
    • Sleep Routines
    • Car Seat Safety
    • Healthy Teeth
  3. You will develop and complete a table for each one of the five (5) categories using the example below as a guide. (Note: There are at least 10 categories addressed in the video, you must choose five (5) and create a separate table for each one).
  4. For each of the tables, complete each section:
    1. Issue: Category name
    2. Negative interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was inappropriate?
    3. Positive interaction/behavior: What did you see that was appropriate?
    4. Guidelines/recommendation: What does the research recommend?
    5. Scholarly reference: Must be in APA format within the table.
    6. Professional/Ethical Communication: How will provide non-judgmental and non-bias education regarding issue identified? Needs to be at least 3 sentences. Helpful Hints: Acknowledge how they feel, state the facts and provide education or re-frame the approach.
  5. Scholarly references should be peer-reviewed, preferably a Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG), intended for providers (MDs, NPs) and no more than 5 years old (unless it is a clinical practice guideline’s most recent update)

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Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study Assignment

Clinical Pearl Issue # 1

Category Alcohol/Substance Use
Issue – Pertinent Negative What did you see that was inappropriate? The mother takes her anxiety pills in her child’s presence and lets her child reach out to them. She also regularly misuses cigarettes by smoking everywhere to a point where her son once chewed on a cigarette she forgot. The mother also carries alcohol in her handbag when accompanied by her child.
Pertinent Positive What did you see that was appropriate The mother does not smoke in the child’s room to avoid exposing him to second- hand smoke. Also, she contacted poison control for assistance after her baby chewed on a cigarette.
Guidelines/recommendation: What does the research recommend? All forms of drugs and medications should always be kept out of reach for children. Also, exposure to second hand smoke is detrimental to a child’s health as it could cause respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis (Nadhiroh et al., 2020).
Reference Nadhiroh, S. R., Djokosujono, K., & Utari, D. M. (2020). The association between secondhand smoke exposure and growth outcomes of children: A Systematic Literature Review. Tobacco Induced Diseases18.
Professional/Ethical Communication by Nurse Practitioner to Parent How will you provide non-judgmental and non-bias education regarding the issue identified? Needs to be at least 3 sentences. It is great that you have access to poison control for help in case of any associated emergencies. However, it is always important to ensure that all forms of drugs, and medications including alcohol are kept away from children as they could lead to dangerous consequences like overdosing or unnecessary drug intake. Moreover, I would advise….Kindly click the purchase icon to buy the full solution at $10
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