nursing homework writing service


Steve listens to his favorite streaming music service when he works out. He wonders whether the service’s algorithm does a good job of finding random songs that he will like more often than not. To test this, he listens to 50 songs chosen by the service at random and finds that he likes 32 of them.

Use Excel to test whether Steve will like a randomly selected song more often than not, and then draw a conclusion in the context of the problem. Use α=0.05.

Select the correct answer below:

Reject the null hypothesis. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that Steve will like a randomly selected song more often than not.

Reject the null hypothesis. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that Steve will like a randomly selected song more often than not.

Fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that Steve will like a randomly selected song more often than not.

Fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that Steve will like a randomly selected song more often than not.


A magazine regularly tested products and gave the reviews to its customers. In one of its reviews, it tested two types of batteries and claimed that the batteries from Company A outperformed the batteries from Company B. A representative from Company B asked for the exact data from the study. The author of the article told the representative from Company B that in 200 tests, a battery from Company A outperformed a battery from Company B in 108 of the tests. Company B decided to sue the magazine, claiming that the results were not significantly different from 50% and that the magazine was slandering its good name.

Use Excel to test whether the true proportion of times that Company A’s batteries outperformed Company B’s batteries is different from 0.5. Identify the p-value, rounding to three decimal places.

Provide your answer below:____________

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