Module 7: Program Evaluation

Evaluation questions, similar to research questions in academic research projects, guide the methods and tools used to collect data to understand the problem under investigation. Evaluation questions may seem intuitive, and thus be quickly developed to get to the more detailed program planning. But, without well-developed, relevant, and accurate evaluation questions, projects can move around a problem without addressing the most critical issue. As a program evaluator, what are some of the major considerations that must be taken into account when formulating evaluation questions?


Evaluation questions are high-level questions that guide an evaluation to get to the depth of what a researcher needs to know about a project or program. To answer evaluation questions, a large amount of data is needed from various sources. Owen (2020) explains that to answer one evaluation question, several research questions have to be asked from a survey or other data collection methods. Based on the theory of change, evaluation questions help researchers to monitor the development of a project to determine the success of interventions and their expected impacts. When formulating evaluation questions, some of the considerations made include evaluation purpose and objectives guided by research questions, evaluation design, and methods of data collection. In addition to these considerations, the target participants or stakeholders of the program should be defined and meaningfully engaged. Also, the program outcomes should be evaluated based on the program objectives to determine the success of program.

Evaluation questions are different from research questions in the sense that the former help to verify how efficient, feasible and sustainable a program is while the latter help to collect data to answer evaluation questions…kindly click on the purchase icon to access the full solution at $5

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