How to Title an Essay
We all know the importance of coming up with good titles for essays. Crafting an informative and impactful essay does not exclusively depend on the contents of your essay, but also on how captivating the title of your paper is. So if you want to keep your reader glued from beginning to end, you must come up with a good essay title. Picking a good title may not be an essay task as most people perceive it to be, it can be frustrating and challenging even for the most creative minds. The more reason every student should continuously research on titling an essay. In this article, we will explore the various guidelines and tips to follow when selecting an excellent and appealing title for your essay.
What is the significance of a Good Title?
Being the first thing your audience gets to experience before diving into the substance of your essay, a title plays an essential role in the success of your paper. It gives your readers a glimpse of the contents of your paper. Therefore, it is important to note that an eye-catching title grasps the attention of your readers and encourages them to read further. It also portrays your writing and creativity skills to your readers.
It is also important to note that every section of your essay plays a role in your grades, it’s essential to give every section special attention and dedication.
Elements of a good Title for your essay
To comprehend how to title an essay, you must understand the elements that make up an excellent title. One thing you need to note about how to make a good title for an essay is that the wider the reading you do, the more likely you are to come up with good essay title ideas for your own writing. That considered, let’s go in and discuss the characteristics of a good essay title in detail;
- An interesting hook: it should be catchy and interesting to your audience.
- Topic Keywords: Your title should include the keywords on the topic you will be discussing to help your audience understand the focus of your paper. Remember, as you think about how to write a title in an essay, your focus should be on the core idea of your content. If your content strays from the title, then your reader is equally likely to stray from your writing.
- Summarize the central idea: An interesting title should aim to summarize the main idea of your paper.
- Observe grammar: A good title should adhere to all the grammar rules and format.
- Short: a good title should be concise and direct to the point.
- Unique: an original title distinguishes your paper from other papers with cliché or trendy titles.
- Well-balanced: An interesting title should provide a sneak peek of the essay and not pre-empt the contents of the entire essay.
Essay Title Format
Did you know a title should be formatted according to the writing style? As you think about how to come up with a title for an essay, here are the most common writing styles and formatting guidelines for each;
Title in APA format
- The title of your paper. The first word, major words, and subtitles should be capitalized. It also should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman font, size 12.
- Include the name of the author.
- The affiliated institution.
- The course name and number.
- Lectures name.
- The paper’s due date.
- Number the paper.
Title in MLA format
- The college name.
- Your paper’s title: should be at the centered, double-spaced, in Times New Roman, size 12.
- The author’s first and last name.
- The lecture’s name.
- Course number and name.
- The paper’s due date.
- The paper should not be numbered.
As you figure out how to title your essay, it is also important that you apply the right words to start each paragraph. See our comprehensive guide on words to start a paragraph for comprehensive insights to help you create an impactful essay
Steps on How to Come Up with a Title for an Essay
Now that you are familiar with the elements, importance, and format of good essay titles, it is time to understand the process of crafting an informative and unique title for your paper.
Write your essay first
The title is usually based on the contents of your essay. It is thus advisable to first write your essay. This will give you a better understanding of the topic which will automatically place you in a better position to title the paper. Other than that, you need to research as much as possible to look at other papers that discuss the same topic as the one that you are writing. As you do this, your aim here should be to gather as many essay title examples as possible. This will better inspire you to come up with a good one for your own writing.
Use your thesis
The main concept in your article should be a great source of inspiration for the title of your essay. Studying and revising it can form a brief and informative title for your paper. For instance, if you are writing a paper about how foreign aid policy leads to neo-colonization, this should inform your thesis, hence the essay title that you ultimately settle on.
Note the Keywords
Pen down various keywords in the essay. You can then narrow them down to two or three words that you will use in your title.
Consider the objective and tone of your paper
Ensure your title’s tone aligns with the tone of your essay. For example, if the tone of your paper is persuasive, maintain a tone that fits accordingly in your title.
Apply important words only
Unnecessary words and phrases can make the title too lengthy. Avoid including any irreverent words in the title. For example, if you are writing a paper on social media and how it influences the body image and self esteem of adolescents, in your title, you could sum it up as ‘Social media and adolescent self perception’ instead of attempting to include too many issues. Again, it is good to research as much as possible to gather ideas on how to title an essay in the proper manner.
Seek inspiration from online tools
Explore the various title generator online tools for essay title ideas and essay titles examples. The tools can provide words and phrases that can help you craft and improve your title.
Rules on Titling an Essay
Below are a few additional insights and rules to take note of when titling an essay;
- Title all the sections of your essay: providing a title for all the sections makes your essay more understandable and gives it a more organized appearance. In this case, you consider a major title in your heading, and then some sub titles throughout the body paragraphs.
- Your Title should express the main idea: Your title should seek to inform the reader about the main concept of your paper. You should always consider the subject of your paper every time you’re looking into how to write an essay title.
- Capitalize where necessary: Ensure to capitalize the first word and all other major words in your title. Please note that prepositions and conjunctions in your title should not be capitalized.
- Write in bold: this emphasizes the title and makes it noticeable.
- Avoid underlining or italicizing: writing the title in bold is usually enough emphasis, avoid underlining or italicizing to prevent overstressing.
- Keep your title brief: avoid including unnecessary words in your title, keep it brief and simple.
- Use a colon: where your title carries two ideas, use a coon to separate the two.
- Review, revise, and Improve the title: as you read through your work to proofread and edit, ensure you review the title to align with your paper. Make it captivating and interesting for your readers.

How to write a good essay title
Creative Essay Titles for your inspiration
Here are creative essay title ideas to inspire you in coming up with your own good title for essay writing;
- Effects of Climate Change on the Human Race.
- Impact of Social Media on Democracy.
- What is Globalization?
- Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Content Creation.
- How does a Free Wife impact the Economy?
- How has Science Impacted the Human Race?
- Social Media Impact on the Youth.
- Effects of Unemployment on the society.
- Should Social media handles be restricted?
- Home-schooling Yields better results.
- What is cybersecurity?
- My Best encounter with a stranger.
- Do Aliens exist?
Now you are more equipped on how to title an essay. This article has discussed all the important steps and insights on how to title an essay. You may also read our article on best conclusion starters for essay writing to see how to conclude your essay.
However, if you still need assignment help, our qualified experts are available to craft your essay title and write you an original essay. Hire assignment help