How to Write an Introduction Speech

How to Write Introduction Speech Whether it’s a formal or casual meeting, the way you deliver your introduction speech is important as it creates the first impression which heavily impacts how people perceive you. In this article, we will provide clear guidelines and tips on delivering an engaging introduction speech that leaves a lasting impression…

A Quick Guide to Harvard Formatting and Style

A Guide to Harvard Formatting and Style In different academic settings, you will often be required to present various research papers or write dissertations. In these cases, there are times when the works of others will have an impact on your writing. Although it might be quite difficult to identify all the sources of inspiration,…

How to Write a Research Paper Outline

How to Write a Research Paper Outline Every well-written research paper needs to be organized concisely and logically. This can be challenging due to the extensive amount of information available on different topics. Still, a research paper outline will help you organize and present your ideas in your writing journey. An outline will serve as…

How to Write a Thesis Statement

 What is a Thesis Statement? Most assignments can be reduced to a single statement that highlights the overall argument. A thesis statement is a single assertion that recaps the key argument of your essay. The statement is usually placed towards the end of your introduction and helps you set the tone for your essay. The…