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Like other products and services, health care products and services must be marketed to potential consumers. To do this effectively, health care organizations must develop marketing plans. These plans provide organizations and their leaders with common goals for their products and services. Moreover, by relating the marketing plan to the mission, vision, and objectives of the organization, marketing plans become a tool in the strategic decision-making process. For the Final Project, you will create a marketing plan for a health care organization and record a presentation of the plan to the board of directors.

Please keep in mind that health care marketing goes beyond the scope of hospitals and students are encouraged to consider a diverse array of organizations for this task.

To prepare:

  • Select one of the following health care organization to be the focus of your Final Project. Your selection can be within any type of health care organization and should reflect an actual opportunity available for change in your local community or state.
    • Hospital
    • Physician Practice
    • Outpatient Clinic
    • Long-Term Care Facility
    • Other Health Care Organization of Your Choosing
  • Select one of the following project types for marketing consideration. The bullets below are intended to help guide your selection process and interest and are not prescriptive.
    • Marketing of a new specialty unit (OB, Psych, Outpatient, Bariatric, or other)
    • Marketing of a new community outreach program (i.e. HIV testing)
    • Marketing of a new service (Family planning)
    • Marketing of a new product (DaVinci Robot)
  • Review Chapter 15 of your textbook, “Marketing Planning” for guidance on developing a marketing plan.

Note: This Assignment is not intended for you to select one of the project types in order to apply a blanket marketing approach. The purpose of this Assignment is to generate a thought process about new marketing opportunities in existing settings.

Part 1: Executive Summary and Marketing Plan (5-Pages, 150 Points)
Create a written document that includes the following:

  • Executive Summary (2-pages) that explains why the organization and project type were selected along with a justification of the importance of this effort.
  • Marketing Plan (3-pages) that will be used to communicate key opportunities to the Board of Directors. Your marketing plan should reflect your selected organization and project type and may contain a variety of the following components:

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Executive Summary 


The process of change in healthcare organizations is inevitable and with the changes that are occurring, the organization must do marketing of the new changes. This will be instrumental in that it will allow the stakeholders to embrace the changes. As a result of the changes that are put in place, it is expected that there will be financial implications and the stakeholders should be convinced of the implications. The process is as well of importance in that there will be ease in the identification of the changes that could occur and ensure that all the participants are well informed. The healthcare organization that is to be focused on is a hospital. The project type for marketing consideration is the process of marketing a new product in the healthcare organization. The new product that is to be marketed is the use of telehealth. 

Why the organization and project type was selected along with a justification of the importance of this effort

The project that is to be implemented in the organization is the enhancement of the use of telehealth. Hakim et al. (2020) argue that the use of technology has become rampant in the health setting and implementation of such measures intends to ensure that there is an advancement in the safety and quality of care. The effectiveness in the process of decision making among the healthcare providers is expected to be in line with the technological changes that are in place.

Healthcare organizations have had increased use of technology for the improvement of the safety of health services and that one can help in the process of management of the care processes. The use of telehealth in the hospital is the initial step that is to be taken in the process of implementation of the healthcare standards. As a result of the rising need for better care among patients, there is a need for the patients to understand the need for the changes.

The reason for the implementation of telehealth in the healthcare organization is to help in the enhancement of the speed of care. This implies that there will be an ease in the process of communication among the patients and the healthcare providers. The process is such that there will be an advancement in the process of reach for the needs of patients since the patient care services are expected to be provided fast and in an easy manner. 

The other reason for the implementation of telehealth in the hospitals is to help in the reduction of movement of patients from one place to the other. The congestion that is seen in healthcare facilities has led to the rise in cases of COVID-19 infection as per Koonin et al. (2020). Telehealth will therefore help in the improvement of access to healthcare services and allow for the patients to access better healthcare services. 

This is an important step as well in that as a result of the use of telehealth the patients from anywhere can be able to access healthcare services. The efforts that are taken in the process of use of telehealth will ensure that a patient in a far distance does not have to come to the hospital for health services. Along these lines, there will be an expectation of patients to have access to better health services. This is a critical step in that there will be an improvement in the chances of patients getting satisfaction on the process of care. 

Marketing Plan 

Specific goals and SMART objectives

The goal for the implementation of telehealth in the hospital is to improve on the process of communication between the patients and the healthcare providers. This is an important step as well in that there will be an expectation of improvement in the performance of the healthcare providers. The first objective is to ensure that more patients are served in the healthcare organization. The other objective is to ensure that there is an improvement in the safety of healthcare services. The other thing is that the patient will be expected to have an improvement in the output time and hence there will be faster access to healthcare services as supported by Kruse et al. (2017). ….

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