Nursing homework writing services

Assignment Requirements  

  1. Go to your state government web page. Find one health policy enacted within the last two (2) years at the state level. Write down the bill number and the sponsors of the bill and include this information in your initial post. 
  2. Write a minimum of a one-page critical analysis summary of the policy. (250 words double spaced, APA). Your summary should integrate the concepts of advocacy, population health, and the ANA ethical statements (“The Code”), and course readings, to include a minimum of one course scholarly article (provided within the course). Be sure to speak to the role of advocacy and population health.
  3. Respond to a minimum of two (2) peers/faculty posts with one (1) paragraph of 4-5 sentences integrating one scholarly source utilized in an in-text citation/APA.

Kaiser: Beyond Health Care: The Role of Social Determinants in Promoting Health and Health Equity


          I currently live in Florida, and a recent bill was passed in July 2020, Bill HB 743, and the sponsor is Representative Plakon. The bill was written to address alternative ways to treat patients before treating them with opioid drugs that are Schedule II controlled substances. However, there is an exception to the bill, which eliminates the requirement to provide nonopioid alternatives to patients in the emergency room, a critical unit, and or receiving hospice services. Instead, when healthcare providers prescribe opioid drugs that are scheduled II controlled substances, they must provide the appropriate information on the availability of nonopioid alternatives to treat pain. The different treatments include nonopioid drugs and drug products and other interventional therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and cognitive therapies (The Florida Senate, 2020)….Kindly click the purchase icon to purchase the full solution at $10

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