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(Solution) MATH225 Week 6 Assignment Estimating Sample Size for a Population Proportion

Question Suppose an automotive repair company wants to determine the current percentage of customers who keep up with regular vehicle maintenance. How many customers should the company survey in order to be 95% confident that the estimated (sample) proportion is within 4 percentage points of the true population proportion of customers who keep up with regular vehicle maintenance? z0.10…

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(Solution) MATH225 Week 6 Assignment Confidence Intervals – Empirical Rule

Question The average length of an eel from a population of short-finned eels is unknown. A random sample from the population yields a sample mean of x¯=1.9 feet. Assume the sampling distribution of the mean has a standard deviation of σx¯=0.6 feet. Use the Empirical Rule to construct a 95% confidence interval for the true population mean length. Provide your answer below:…

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(Solution) NR505NP Week 7: Recommendation for an Evidence-Based Practice Change PowerPoint Presentation

Requirements In Week 7, students will create a PowerPoint slide show with notes pages discussing their PICOT question, literature review, and recommendations for change. In Week 8, students will create a Kaltura recording of the presentation for the Peer Discussion thread. Criteria for Content Students will synthesize the information they have gathered during the course…

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(Solution) MATH225 Week 6 Assignment Point Estimates, Margins of Error, and Confidence Intervals

Question Randomly sampled math majors at a large university were asked to take part in a survey about the curriculum. The dean wanted to find out how challenging the math coursework was for students. The proportion of math majors that stated the curriculum was challenging was 0.92, with a margin of error of 0.07. Construct a confidence interval for the…