Nursing homework help online

(Solution) NR503 Week 7: Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes Concept Map

Requirements The Concept Map must visually connect all of the specified objectives  (Program Outcomes, MSN Essentials, and NONPF Competencies) to course work (such as specific discussion board topics, written assignments, exams, lessons, and reading content).      All items should be labeled, for instance, label the objectives and label the course work you select with name of the assignment/reading/discussion board topic and…

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(Solution) NR506NP Week 4: Kaltura Health Policy Analysis

Purpose  This assignment will focus on developing a health policy analysis presentation that includes a problem statement, background, landscape, options and recommendations from the week’s readings.  The health policy analysis presentation is based upon an identified healthcare issue in one’s local community.   Activity Learning Outcomes  Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:   Employ…

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(Solution) NR500NP Week 4: APN Professional Development Plan Paper

Requirements:  The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.  Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are…

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(Solution) NR504 Week 3: Reflective Essay

Requirements Criteria for Content Based upon readings and learning activities within the class lessons, reflect upon specific leadership-related competencies which you possess and leadership competencies where there is an opportunity for enhancement.  Identify two specific areas of strength, and two areas for improvement.  How will those competencies impact future practice as a MSN-prepared nurse in…

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(Solution) NR501 Week 2: My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric

Requirements: This assignment focuses on the student’s personal perspective of nursing and nursing theory within the profession. This Word document should include your personal philosophy of nursing. If you have not developed a philosophy of nursing, then consider these questions to help you. What is nursing to me? Why is nursing important to me? What…

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(Solved) NR534 Week 3: Open and Closed Systems: Impact of Decision Making Within – Servant Leaders

Part 1: Individual Describe your organization as a closed or open system. Discuss how thinking differs between the two. Is there a difference in systems thinking in traditional healthcare versus complex adaptive systems? Part 2: With Your Group Systems thinking allows a more holistic perspective on decision making. Share examples of the types of decisions…

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(Solved) NR534 Week 7: Attributes of a Transformational Healthcare System – Servant Leaders

What are the attributes of the learning organization and how does it align (or support) the complex adaptive healthcare system? What leadership styles are inherent in learning organizations that may not be totally supported in a traditional organizational culture? Using the cultural assessment you did a few weeks ago, how does your current organizational culture…

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(Solution) NR505NP Week 7: Recommendation for an Evidence-Based Practice Change PowerPoint Presentation

Requirements In Week 7, students will create a PowerPoint slide show with notes pages discussing their PICOT question, literature review, and recommendations for change. In Week 8, students will create a Kaltura recording of the presentation for the Peer Discussion thread. Criteria for Content Students will synthesize the information they have gathered during the course…