Best Nursing Assignment Writing Help

(Solved) NR544 Week 3: Collaboration Café (graded): Medical Errors and Patient Safety

Please watch the following video, Transparency, Compassion, and Truth in Medical Errors: Leilani Schweitzer at TEDxUniversityofNevada, (Links to an external site.) and address the following prompt: As you look back over your career as a nurse or even as a nursing student, can you think of a time when you were either involved in or aware of an…

Assignment Help For Nursing Students

(Solved) NR544 Week 4: Scholarly Discussion Forum (graded): Risk Management and Patient Safety

Please review the case scenario and answer the questions below. Diane was an 80-year-old resident who was returning to the nursing home from the hospital following a left hip fracture on Friday evening. She has a history of congestive heart failure with frequent exacerbations. Her hospital discharge medication list was different than the prior medication…

help with nursing homework

(Solution) NR501 Week 2: My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric

Requirements: This assignment focuses on the student’s personal perspective of nursing and nursing theory within the profession. This Word document should include your personal philosophy of nursing. If you have not developed a philosophy of nursing, then consider these questions to help you. What is nursing to me? Why is nursing important to me? What…

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(Solution) NR501 Week 7: Application of Theory: PowerPoint Presentation

Requirements Criteria for Content Review literature regarding issues or concerns within your selected area of advanced practice nursing. Select a nursing theory or model which is relevant to your selected area of advanced practice nursing and would offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the issue or concern which you identified. In a PowerPoint…