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(Solution) NR503 Week 2: Healthy People 2020 Impact Paper

Requirements Research Topic:  Your course faculty will provide you with topic/s for this assignment. Please check the NR503 Course Announcements. Identify your target population (for instance, age or other demographic, aggregate population); this must be in your city or state. Discuss population-based health education interventions for your target population that is aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality…

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(Solved) NR503 Week 3: Discussion- Epidemiological Methods and Measurements

Week 3: This week we are comparing and contrasting epidemiological methods of research; case-control and cohort study methods. Select either the case-control or cohort study method and compare its features, the methodology, to a randomized controlled trial using the following questions. Please format, organize, your responses using each question below: What is the fundamental difference…

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(Solution) NR503 Week 6: Epidemiological Analysis: Chronic Health Problem

Requirements: This paper should clearly and comprehensively discuss a chronic health disease.  Select a topic from the list provided by your course faculty. The paper should be organized into the following sections: Introduction (Identification of the problem) with a clear presentation of the problem as well as the significance and a scholarly overview of the paper’s content. No…

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(Solved) NR599 Week 2: Pre TANIC Self-Assessment and Reflection Post

Requirements:  In order to prepare for this assignment, read the lessons as well as the assigned readings BEFORE attempting the self-assessment.  Please use the following hyperlink to access and complete the survey: Week 2 Pre-TANIC Self-Assessment Survey   Links to an external site. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF ZERO (0) FOR THE ASSIGNMENT.  After…

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(Solved) NR506NP Week 1: Barriers to Practice

Requirements:  Using the readings from this week as well as outside reliable resources to:  Identify and describe practice barriers for APNs in your state and discuss these barriers on a state and national level.  Identify forms of competition on the state and national level that interfere with APN’s ability to practice independently.  Identify the specific lawmakers by name…

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(Solution) NR506NP Week 3: Quality Healthcare: Measuring NP Performance

Requirements:  The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) was formed to ensure quality of patient care and measurement of patient outcomes with set standards. Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is a performance measurement tool used by millions of health insurance plans. There are 6 domains of care: Effectiveness of Care. Access/Availability of Care.…

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(Solution) NR506NP Week 4: Kaltura Health Policy Analysis

Purpose  This assignment will focus on developing a health policy analysis presentation that includes a problem statement, background, landscape, options and recommendations from the week’s readings.  The health policy analysis presentation is based upon an identified healthcare issue in one’s local community.   Activity Learning Outcomes  Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:   Employ…