Nursing assignment help online

(Solved) NR601 Week 6: Post-Menopausal and Sexuality Issues in the Maturing and Older Adult

Requirements: Ageism and gender bias can affect to whom and how we ask about sexual health, sexual activity, and concerning symptoms. Depending on your own level of comfort and cultural norms this can be a tough conversation for some providers but this is an important topic. As this week’s required NAMS videos discussed, women are wanting us to ask…

Nursing assignment help online

(Solution) NR601 Week 2: COPD Case Study Part 2

Case Study – Part 2 You ordered a CXR and spirometry at the previous visit and he returns today to review the results. Physical exam and symptoms are unchanged since last visit. Vital signs at this visit are: Temp-98.3, P-68, RR-20, BP 152/90, Height 68.9in., Weight 258 pounds, O2sat 94% on RA  CXR Result:  No acute infiltrates or consolidations are seen. Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are normal.…

Nursing assignment help online

(Solution) NR601 Week 2: COPD Case Study Part 1 

A 62 year-old Caucasian male presents to the office with persistent cough and recent onset of shortness of breath. Upon further questioning you discover the following subjective information regarding the chief complaint.  History of Present Illness  Onset  6 months  Location  Chest  Duration  Cough is intermittent but frequent, worse in the AM  Characteristics  Productive; whitish-yellow phlegm  Aggravating factors  Activity  Relieving factors  Rest  Treatments  Tried…

nursing assignment help

(Solved) NR601 Week 1: Discussion Board – Polypharmacy

Requirements:  Your initial discussion post should include the following:  Identify and discuss 2-3 definitions of polypharmacy (there are multiple definitions). Your textbook can count as 1 reference. You must also include an additional reference from an evidence-based practice journal article or national guideline.  Identify three risk factors that can lead to polypharmacy. Explain the rationale for why each listed item…