(Solution) NR534 Week 6: Planned Change: Leadership of Reduction in Workforce

I. Requirements Description of the Assignment This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to: Create an evidence-based plan for system-wide change guided by a selected organizational change model Engage in high-level decision-making processes common in the nurse executive role Use reflective practice knowledge and skills in making high level decision making and change management…

(Solution) NR534 Week 5: Organizational Culture and Climate: Assessment and Analysis

I. Requirements Description of the Assignment This assignment provides an opportunity for the student to Assess organizational culture and climate within a healthcare organization known to the student Analyze the organizational culture and climate for its strengths and opportunities for improvement Determine the organization’s capacity to provide a healthy, safe, person-centered environment for staff and patients…

(Solution) NR534 Week 2: Advanced Communication in Systems Leadership

I. Requirements Description of the Assignment The assignment provides an opportunity for the student to: Develop and leadership profile based on leadership style and personality profile Apply their leadership profile to advanced communication situations Develop strategies that will improve and/enhance advanced communication skills Engage in reflective practice through writing II. Preparing the Assignment Preparing the…

(Sample Discussion) NR534 Week 8: Touchpoint Reflection – Servant Leaders

Reflection on Health Systems, Population Health, and Coalition Building Experience Conduct a mini-community health assessment of the area served by the healthcare system for which you work. Describe the services and programs related to the social determinants of health (SDOH) provided by your institution. Identify which ones are being addressed through other agencies. Reflection Reflect on the…

(Sample Discussion) NR534 Week 7: Attributes of a Transformational Healthcare System – Servant Leaders

What are the attributes of the learning organization and how does it align (or support) the complex adaptive healthcare system? What leadership styles are inherent in learning organizations that may not be totally supported in a traditional organizational culture? Using the cultural assessment you did a few weeks ago, how does your current organizational culture…

(Sample Discussion) NR534 Week 6: Evidence-based Decision-making and Models for Planned Change – Servant Leaders

You are the CNO of your current healthcare organization and have been told that the current organizational structure of the nursing department is “top heavy,” resulting in financial loss for the institution in the last fiscal year. You’ve been instructed to restructure the department to flatten the line to reduce expenses. You must decide how…

(Sample Discussion) NR534 Week 5: Organizational Culture and Climate on Group Process and Team Building – Servant Leaders

Individual: You are the unit director of the emergency department and part of an ad hoc interdisciplinary committee newly formed to address a 30% rise in arrival-to- provider time over the past six months. Six months ago, the ED consistently recorded an arrival-to-provider time less than the national benchmark of twenty minutes. The arrival-to-provider time…

(Sample Discussion) NR534 Week 4: Organizational Structure: Power and Lines of Authority – Servant Leaders

Part 1: Individual Describe the organizational structure and the lines of authority within the healthcare system where you work. Identify the relationship between the type of power observed and the authority line. Part 2: With Your Group Share an example of a power differential gap or unclear authority lines you have observed or have been…

(Solved) NR534 Week 3: Open and Closed Systems: Impact of Decision Making Within – Servant Leaders

Part 1: Individual Describe your organization as a closed or open system. Discuss how thinking differs between the two. Is there a difference in systems thinking in traditional healthcare versus complex adaptive systems? Part 2: With Your Group Systems thinking allows a more holistic perspective on decision making. Share examples of the types of decisions…

(Solved) NR534 Week 2: Leadership Styles and Personality Types: Impact on Communication – Servant Leaders

Part 1: Individual Identity your leadership style and personality typology using the following instruments: Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid: Leadership Self-Assessement Questionnaire: https://www.bumc.bu.edu/facdev-medicine/files/2010/10/Leadership-Matrix-Self-Assessment-Questionnaire.pdf Personality Typology Profile: http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality/type Discuss the dominant leadership style and personality type of each group member and compare the similarities and differences related to the steps of the communication cycle/feedback loop. Solution My…